martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Variations in the definitive stay of immigrants population in the Región Metropolitana

Resultado de imagen para inmigrantes en chile 2018

The graph shows the variations in the definitive stay of immigrants population in the Región Metropolitana between the years 2005 and 2015.
We see that in 2005, 1667 immigrants was living in Las Condes and 1560 in Santiago, the communes with the most numbers of them,  while that Estación Central it was the commune with less immigrant, just 297. In contrast, the rate of immigrants population in 2015 to increase significantly in the Región Metropolitana, especially in the Santiago Commune. Here, the rate of immigrants increased to 1560 in 2005 by 7900 in 2015. While in the other communes it was significantly differences to 2005.
In conclusion the numbers of variations in the definitive stay of immigrants population in Región Metropolitana to increase from 2005 to 2015 and it is probably that in the future it will be increased.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

Quality of life of immigrants in Chile

In the lasts years the quantity of immigrants in Chile has grown especially those from of Haiti and Venezuela. This happen because they are looking for a better quality of life. Considering that in their countries they don’t have job opportunities or of appear. But how is the quality of life that they receive in Chile? To research in this case it is necessary to know a lot of things about the persons but this essay will focus in three variables. The first will be “kinds of job” because currently most immigrants have an informal job, without a contract that guarantees their job right and their basic conditions. The second variable to look is the place where they live, this is necessary because in Santiago the majority of immigrants live in low income sectors and in these places the access to basic services is difficult  and their quality is not better. A third variable is with who they live in this country, whit family, friends or alone? This is very important to know how they feel living here because the emotional support to live in a place with a different culture from their own place is decisive.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

Expectative of work of immigrants in Chile

Currently in Chile the percentage of migrants from the rest of Latin-American who search for a job and better life conditions it is very high. It is normal to find an immigrant in the bus or subway selling chocolates or other candies or that they’re working in a job with a poor rent so what kind of work they’re look? Why? Probably it’s a deeper problem like a racial discrimination and it’s necessary to stop and find solutions for this matter.